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There are many people we all encounter yarning about nothing happening, their hard work is not resulting in any reliable outcome what should they do.
After careful listening, I ask them to really elaborate their view on their desire outcome. Do you know what you really know? Hove, you consider writing what you wanted to achieve today? How do they measure today’s outcome?
Think about your travelling mind-set, If you know your destination where you are heading based on the distance you set yourself for all aspect you need to pay attention too. Your food, your car, fuel fellow traveller’s requirements everything possibly you can imagine. If they are dependent on you, your planning is different than non-dependents: your safety and the legal obligation to avoid any hazard or extreme risk situation. No matter how well you plan your journey and buy everything you need; in your listed item you always left or missed something you have to buy on your way. But I believe we all maintain the dripline and stick to absolute necessity or unavoidable idea occurs and need your immediate attention. You prefer not to detour from the original road you chose to reach to your destination. You use tools like GPS or manual map if required to assist you in your journey. Your vehicle and someone to pass and pay attention if needed to look into a manual process.
Do you ever consider planning your business with such precision with all tools and assistance you required in your entrepreneurial journey? Have you considered all possible detour if something unseen coming? Your risk and mitigation did you think of it or tried to find out from industry practices. Do you have a mentor or coaches to keep you on disciplinary track also motivated? Do you consider leaving the expert task to the right experienced team to do instead of you taking all the stress and risking unacceptable thinks to happen when situations are tougher?
Surrounding yourself with the right people and the right help is inevitable. Your internal circle and outer circle contributes to your success in a different ratio, but they all are crucial. Most of the time the most important supporter helps you silently because they have immense faith in you or they don’t believe in expressing themselves. If you pay attention, those sleeping, silent contributors are the most significant asset for you only you need to notice and keep them closer, if you are lucky enough to find them.